Search Results for: CCCM

Dia Internacional Paz

A Day Dedicated to World Peace

International Day of Peace, celebrated on September 21st, emphasizes the importance of fraternity and solidarity in building a peaceful and sustainable world. Concrete acts of

Dia Mundial Humanitario

World Humanitarian Day 2023

Created to honor people who dedicate their lives to serving others and defending humanitarian causes, World Humanitarian Day, celebrated on August 19, was established by

Workshop Esfera

Sphere Workshop in Warsaw, Poland

As the focal point of the Sphere Humanitarian Standards in Brazil and Portugal, the Fraternity – Internacional Humanitarian Missions (FIHM), through its humanitarian team, was

Capacitação Humanitária em Gestão de Emergências

Humanitarian Training in Emergency Management

The Training and Development (T&D) Subcommittee of the Fraternity –International Humanitarian Missions (FIHM) carried out Humanitarian Training in the Management of Emergencies, Humanitarian Crises, Environmental Disasters, Prevention and Self-care

Humanitarian Training for Servers in Europe

During August and September, forty-six people, representing eight countries, participated in the training of the basic curriculum for humanitarian servers, offered by the Training and Development

Team of Trainers

Team of Trainers Our mission is to train internal and external teams either in virtual form or in person, so they are more ready to


Sectors of Intervention EDUCATION IN HUMANITARIAN AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE SITUATIONS Train and develop humanitarian servers so they are ready to respond to the changing and

Who We Are

WHO WE ARE Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions (FIHM) is a civil non-profit humanitarian association that advocates human dignity, lasting solutions, human rights and cares