Sunday, January 29
In the morning, the missionaries and the refugees split into two groups. One of them participated in a Mass in the Catholic Church and the other participated in a cult in the Evangelical Church.
Meeting in the CRI – Center of Reference to the Immigrant with the City Civil Defense to define details about security issues of the place. The missionaries informed to the agents about the needs and the most critical points where the Civil Defense will need to be more attentive.
Visit of a female teacher of the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), who offered to give Portuguese classes to three Indigenous people who intend to complete their graduation. The university offers three specific courses for the Indigenous communities.
An officer of the Project Crescer (To Grow) of the City Hall of Boa Vista also visited the CRI. She will check the possibility of including those who are interested in participating in the project, which offers professionalizing courses to teen-agers and youths.
In the afternoon, the activities were in the House of Saint Joseph, where the group conducted activities of harmonization and cleansing of the place.