Saturday, January 7
The Missionaries begin the day with attunement and communion, followed by breakfast in the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Roraima.
After arriving in the CRI – Center of Reference to the Immigrant, the group is divided according to the necessary tasks: raising of donations of food, contact with the Church, to check the possibility of taking refugees to participate in the Sunday Mass, and visit to a Warao family who is not in the CRI.
In the late morning, an important meeting with members of the Civil Defense of Roraima, who informed about the possibility of arrival of more refugees, due to the opening of the border between Brazil and Venezuela.
Many health assistance services conducted.
Recreational activity with children and youths for the making of pompoms.
In the afternoon, part of the group participated in a meeting of updating with the Network-of-Light of Boa Vista.
With reports broadcast on television about the work conducted in the CRI, the donations have increased. Today donations of bananas and food stamps were received.
A teacher of a Warao community participated in the work with the children and taught them songs and dances.
“An energy of much light and harmony flowed and they became very happy. To finish, we sang songs of Mary. Two days ago, the request of Mary for the rescue of the Indigenous Consciousness was transmitted to the group, as something fundamental”, explained Rosa, a missionary of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation.
Still in the afternoon, the father and siblings of the little Paulo, whose legs are in plaster, arrived in the CRI, coming from the city of Pacaraima.
Donation of 300 meals for dinner were received.
Organization of the place with distribution of tasks in the kitchen and cleaning of toilets.
At night, five children with fever were taken to hospital.