International Day of Peace – 2022

Celebrated annually on September 21, the International Day of Peace is dedicated to the joint effort for humanity to progress in building a path of fraternity, justice and peace among individuals, communities, peoples and States.

The subject chosen this year by the UN is “Ending racism. Building peace”; it calls on us to collaborate in the creation of a world without racial discrimination, and which promotes the protection of human rights for everyone. A world where care for the common good, empathy and solidarity overcome distrust and hate.

International Day of Peace

Building peace

The Indigenous Cultural and Training Centre (CCFI), headquartered in Boa Vista, Roraima, was created by the Fraternity –International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), in partnership with Operation Welcome, with the aim of promoting a safe and peaceful space in which local, immigrant and refugee indigenous people could have the chance to build a more dignified life, having as a foundation the development of livelihoods that foster lasting solutions.

The manager of Livelihoods and Lasting Solutions of the Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF), Imer, explains that “the CCFI provides access to technical and professional training, preparation for the job market, in addition to entrepreneurship initiatives, associations, and encouragement of dialogue and an exchange of knowledge among the Brazilian, Venezuelan and Guianese indigenous tribes that use the facilities.

Imer also highlights that “peaceful coexistence among indigenous peoples generates possibilities for the genuine manifestation of their cultures, and strengthens their customs and traditions, thus ensuring individual, group and host community rights. Socioeconomic inclusion brings about an integration that makes it possible for each being to fulfil their role in the building of a just society filled with Peace.”

The promotion of dialogue and intercultural exchange for carrying out shared projects, encouragement in education and training as factors of responsibility and development and the promotion of work, for a full realization of human dignity, are essential elements for overcoming the culture of indifference, throw away, and conflict, and contribute to the consolidation of a path of justice, sharing in solidarity and peace.

Symbol of Peace

Peace, as a principle and universal aspiration, is symbolized by the Bell of Peace. The United Nations Association of Japan proposed its construction as a symbol of hope for peace. The project was built from coins donated by representatives of Member States, the Pope, and society, including children from more than 60 countries, and was donated to the UN in June 1954. According to tradition, the bell must be rung on the first day of Spring, September 21, and on each opening day of the UN General Assembly to celebrate Peace.