Refugees and Immigrants Participate in Vocational Courses in the Shelters in Boa Vista

Curso de Garçom- Roraima

Through an initiative of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), in March of this year the first vocational course for waiters was started for the immigrants and refugees that live in the shelters of Nova Canaã and Tancredo Neves, in Boa Vista, Roraima.

The course is being offered jointly with the Union of Waiters of Roraima, for the purpose of contributing to training and qualifying the immigrants for the labor market. Twenty vacancies are being made available for each shelter, for a total of 40 hours, during the 12 days of the course.

Curso de Garçom- Roraima

The professional training will make it possible for the participants’ curriculum to be registered in the Union vocational skills bank. If vacancies arise in the profile, professionals will be sent to the local job market.

The large demand in the city of Boa Vista requires a more permanent response, not just for emergencies, which will point out paths for these people who lack an opportunity for rebuilding their lives.

The difficulty in obtaining positions of formal employment is related to the proof of their titles and experience in their country of origin and validating these in Brazil. In this way, a professional qualification linked to the Brazilian economy contributes to the social insertion of these people.

Curso de Garçom- Roraima

After 3 years of being active in the Roraima capital, the Fraternidade Humanitária (FIHF) presents a project that focuses on long-term solutions.

The professionalizing of the immigrants and refugees will facilitate the social insertion of these people into the rest of the Brazilian states during the process of interiorization developed by the Federal Government through Operation Welcome.

At the end of the course, the student will have various abilities such as: treating clients in a cordial and efficient manner, the capacity to adapt to work environments and faithfully respect the hygiene and safety standards set in the RDC 216/04, envisaged by the ANVISA.

All those abilities will make their entry into the labor market possible in an effective and efficient way.

Curso de Garçom- Roraima