Workshops and Meetings Promoted by the Emergency Art-Education Sector

The five shelters managed by Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF),in the Roraima Humanitarian Missionhave an Art-Education in Emergencies Sector which provides many teaching and development activities for those in the shelters, as well as for the operation teams.

In June of this year, workshops and meetings were undertaken at the cultural center of indigenous education (CCIE) and at the shelters, with various themes, seeking to celebrate World Environment Day and to offer educational and development tools for the children, young people and adults.

The Exchange of Traditional Knowledge and Training Meeting

The Exchange of Traditional Knowledge and Training Meeting was held at the CCIE on  two dates , with the first on June 4 for the Tancredo Neves Shelter, and the second on June 22 for the Nova Canaã Shelter in Boa Vista.

Various workshops were conducted, some focused on the indigenous traditional culture (dances, music, songs and food) and others with the content of emergency pedagogy.

According to Sister Maria de Lourdes, monk of the Grace Mercy Order who was responsible for the meeting, “the proposition was developed to reinforce the work done by the education and culture committees of the shelters.”

Ecologic Disinfectant Workshop

Designed for adolescents and young people, the workshop on the making of lemon ecologic disinfectant took place in the shelters between June 1 and 3, the schedule of which included: the preparation of the ecologic disinfectant, the ecologic cleaning of the two rooms of the Art-Education Sector and the creation of the Ecologic Mural with information on the environment.

At the end, there was even rounds of conversation on ecology with the following question presented: “what can we do inside the shelter to mitigate the environmental situation and collaborate in the recovery of nature?”

According to Sister Jacinta, monk of the Grace Mercy Order who led the workshop, “the idea was to encourage the adolescents and young people, through the creation of a natural cleaning product, to awaken a more ecological awareness and interest in maintaining the cleanliness and harmony of their daily living spaces.”

Waste Recycling Workshop

For the children from age three to seven of the Nova Canaã Shelter, in allusion to the World Environment Day, a waste recycling workshop was offered to teach the importance of waste separation and care for the environment.

“The activity included the making of waste containers for the sorting of recyclable materials, and the later use of the same to create objects and games,” explained Sister Maria de Lourdes.

Emergency Art-Education Sector

Young People, Seeds for a New Time

With a very broad proposal and an inspiring theme, the meeting on “Young People, Seeds for a New time,” took place in June on days 6, 7, 9, 13 and 15, at the Pintolândia Shelter, and counted on the implementation of several workshops with different themes, through games, dynamics, conversation wheels, and practical activities of integration and service to the Kingdoms of Nature.

As highlighted by Sister Maria de Lourdes “the workshops aim to develop in young people self-knowledge, self-confidence, resilience, empathy, service, conscious leadership and instruction for peace.”

According to the Sister, “the main objective was to awaken in young people an interest for active and conscious participation in the life of the community, collaborating to develop skills and potentials perhaps unknown to them, such as leadership, for example.”