Centro Cultural e de Formação Indígena (CCFI)

Building livelihoods,
empowering lasting solutions.

The Indigenous Cultural and Training Centre (CCFI) is an initiative of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), in partnership with Operation Welcome, and its objective is to promote a safe and peaceful space in which local, immigrant and refugee indigenous people have the opportunity for building a more dignified life. For this, the CCFI acts in such a way as to foster artistic and cultural expressions, technical-professional training, learning the Portuguese language, and preparation for the job market, as well as indigenous entrepreneurship initiatives. Inaugurated in May of 2021, the CCFI has become a benchmark in the assistance of the indigenous population in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima.

The Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF) is grateful to Operation Welcome, to the Ministry of Citizenship, and all the organizations that have joined efforts to improve the quality of life, social emancipation and income generation of the population cared for by the CCFI.

Services Offered

Continuing Education Program for Development

The program seeks to encourage the overall development of participants through the development of human skills and technical tools relevant to their life path and a productive insertion into the world of work, so the individual can gain their autonomy, taking on responsibility and a leading role in their personal and collective life.

Fases - Programa de Formação Continuada para o Desenvolvimento (CCFI)


The CCFI supports recipients who want to start their own business and create self-sufficiency through offering mentorship and assessment services to new entrepreneurs, and courses in the area of entrepreneurship, as well as having a physical space available which can serve as an incubator for new initiatives.

  • Human Component: meetings for conversation, enterprising spirit workshops, work teams training, reinforcement of personal skills, among others;
  • Marketing Component: brand establishment, digital or physical catalogue;
  • Operational and Production Component: establishment of production lines or purchasing service, raw materials, production sites, among others;
  • Financial Component: analysis of initial investment, material costing, budget, pricing, among others;
  • Legal Component: Trademark registration, MEI registration, among others.

Access to job market

The program seeks to encourage the overall development of the participants through the deployment of human skills and technical tools relevant to their life path and productive insertion into the world of work, so the individual can gain their autonomy, taking on responsibility and a leading role in their personal and collective life.

  • Workshops
  • Documentation
  • Active search for job openings
  • Job interviews

Cultural events

With a large outdoor area for in-person events and a structure for virtual events, a medicinal garden, an indoor area with two multimedia rooms, a computer lab with internet, a public service room, a meeting room, a sewing and shoe shop, a barber shop and a semi-industrial kitchen, the CCFI has an excellent infrastructure to host cultural and social events aimed at the integration of immigrant and national indigenous peoples.

  • Cultural
  • Educational
  • Institutional
  • Fairs
  • Meetings
  • Dialogues

Strengthening of indigenous organizations

The CCFI seeks to improve the capabilities of indigenous associations through partnerships for structuring, legal advice, liaising, participation in public notices and provision of material resources.

Impacts and Results

Impactos e Resultados


Your collaboration is fundamental for supporting CCFI activities!



+ 55 (95) 99141-3797

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Banco Itaú
BANCO  341
Ag: 3204 | C/C: 12929-4
SWIF ITAUBRSP IBAN: BR59 6070 1190 0320 4000 0129 294C 1

Razão Social: Fraternidade  – Missões Humanitárias Internacionais
CNPJ: 32.040.076/0001-37 

PIX Chave PIX, CNPJ: 32040076000137

Envie seu comprovante de depósito ou transferência bancária para o e-mail financeiro@fraterinternacional.org, confirme que sua doação foi para as ações do Centro Cultural e de Formação Indígena (CCFI), e nossa equipe entrará em contato enviando o recibo de sua doação. 

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  • Selecione entre os valores pré-configurados ou digite o valor;
  • Faça doações recorrentes pelo tempo que desejar;
  • Doação rápida, segura e eficiente.

Your collaboration is fundamental!

Donate by deposit or transfer

Banco ItaúBANK BANCO  341
Ag: 3204 | C/C: 12929-4

SWIFT ITAUBRSP IBAN: BR59 6070 1190 0320 4000 0129 294C 1

Corporate name: Fraternidade – Missões Humanitárias Internacionais
CNPJ: 32.040.076/0001-37

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Send your proof of deposit or bank transfer to the email financeiro@fraterinternacional.org, and we will return it to you.

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  • Use your paypal to donate;
  • Select from the preconfigured values or type the value;
  • Make recurrent donations for the time you wish;
  • Fast, safe and efficient donation.