The Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions (FMHI) is one of 25 affiliates of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FFHI), supported by a network of collaborators composed entirely of full-time volunteers.

To learn more about the volunteer service in humanitarian missions with the Fraternity – Humanitarian Missions (FMHI):

  1. Read the Frequently Asked Questions carefully.
  2. Fill out the form in its entirety.
  3. Enter your data as clearly as possible.
  4. Keep an eye on your e-mails (check your spam box).
  5. If we do not hear back within thirty days, we will understand that there is no longer any interest at this time.
  6. From the first contact, we will start exchanging messages by e-mail to get to know each other.
  7. At the opportune moment and according to your availability, we will schedule a virtual meeting.
  8. This process does not guarantee any commitment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Everyone who applies to join the FIHM’s volunteer team must fill in the Become a Volunteer form AFTER CAREFULLY READING FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.


Anyone over the age of 18 can apply, as long as they are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit, willing to give of themselves and collaborate.

If you are of legal age, there is no age limit; it depends on the nature of the humanitarian response, the emergency, the projects, and the scenario.

After evaluating the form, we contact you by email to start a dialog and get to know each other, which can take up to 2 months of prior interaction.  If the dialog progresses, we schedule a videoconference.

The allocation to humanitarian missions follows a detailed action plan, programs, and projects developed with local partners to efficiently deliver and assist the scenario and the affected population.

For Fraternity – Humanitarian Missions, the most important thing is practicing principles such as fraternity, constructive and non-competitive dialogue, listening and building together with the affected populations, seeking integrated solutions, and complementary actions so that the social and humanitarian response can meet the unusual pace of emergencies with efficiency, humanity, respect for human rights and duties implicit in social integration.

Its neutral, genuine, and transparent action is combined with continuous learning and sharing, based on empirical knowledge and training in the Sphere’s international humanitarian standards.

To read more about some of the principles that permeate the volunteer service provided by the FIHM, click here.

Fraternity – Humanitarian Missions is a non-profit organization whose purpose is voluntary and selfless service. It is supported by donations.  The candidate bears the cost of travel, transportation from home to the airport and vice versa, valid documentation, vaccines required according to location, and travel insurance. 

Once you have gone through the preliminary steps illustrated here, and together, including with the technical coordination of the humanitarian mission, duly signed documentation, a medical certificate, and health insurance when mandatory; depending on the project, we will present you with a plan and schedule for online training in the Sphere International Humanitarian Standards, evaluation of achievement, and perhaps specific to the scenario in question, additional training will be coordinated with the Training and Development (T&D) sector, it may take up to 2 months of dialogue. The minimum period on assignment is 120 days, i.e., 4 consecutive months.

You will fill in terms of responsibility, code of ethics and conduct (compliance), and others according to the action plan and potential exposure to be duly discussed and mutually agreed upon.

When a volunteer is on a mission, their focus and priority is to serve the project and the needs of the people and communities they serve.

Fraternity – Humanitarian Missions also practice “care for the caregivers”, making moments of rest and leisure whenever necessary and possible. However, these moments are not seen as tourism.

The parent company, Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FFHI), is made up of 27 other service affiliates, please visit for other volunteer opportunities.