Brumadinho Mission continues through Missionary Youth for Peace

“To be missionaries, you must first want to transform yourselves and accept to live the new patterns of life on the Earth, which are based on love for one’s fellow being and the Kingdoms of Nature, as well as yourselves and for God above all things”. (The Most Chaste Saint Joseph: Message of April 27, 2016, transmitted to Sister Lucía de Jesús)

“I think I have finally understood a little the meaning of the motto: ‘Only love can heal the pain’”, revealed Marcela Pardini, a participant in Brumadinho Mission.

The Missionary Youth for Peace of Belo Horizonte, MG, a front of service connected to the Youth Campaign for Peace, returned to the region affected by the breaking of the dam in Brumadinho, MG.  On March 9, 2019, approximately 20 youths participated in a Missionary Practice, which had two fields of action: visit families affected by the tragedy and support to the Animal Kingdom.

Marcela, a member of the team of family assistance, thought at first: “What do I have to offer to these people? I have no specific knowledge of psychology to touch on this situation of post-tragedy trauma”. However, as the talks proceeded with the people who lost loved beings, Marcela realized she did not need many resources. According to the youth, “in those circumstances, what can be done is to open one’s heart, ask God for light and shares with your neighbor the best our soul offers at that moment”.

The group that rendered service in the veterinarian farm/hospital was heartily welcomed by the workers. In it, there are all kinds of tasks and the following duties were assigned: organization of the deposit of animal feed of equines and bovines, baths to the dogs, cleaning of the kennels and feeding of the horses in the stable.

“The experience is being productive and gratifying. It is good to see that, amidst so much destruction, a lot of love and dedication to one’s fellow being is being generated, both to people and animals”, expressed the missionary Marco Tulio.

“Fernanda de Sa highlighted the learning acquired through group work and commented about “self-forgetting”: “I came to have the experience of stepping out of routine and of the concerns of my life, to attend other lives”.

All the youths of the mission live in a city, in an urban daily routine. They had the opportunity of serving animals in a farm, in the rural area.

Daniel Damaso, a collaborator of the Nucleus-of-Light of Sacred Heaven, Belo Horizonte, and member of the Youth Choir for Peace of Belo Horizonte, participated for the first time in a mission. He, who helped the organization of the animal feed, shared: “The personal lesson that I get here is that, when you offer to serve, the one who receives help the most is yourself”.

Picking up the thread, Marcela Pardini witnessed the story of a lady who lost her grandson in the disaster. She told a little of her life: experiences, sad moments and anguishes, crying and expressing her feelings. However, the grandmother was so open, loving and happy for the presence of the group, that, at a certain point, she stopped, looked straight in the eyes of Marcela and said: “I am feeling loved and welcomed!”. The feelings of love and welcome were mutual and true, between the team of visiting missionaries and the lady.

At the end of the activities, there was a closing prayer. The personnel of the veterinarian farm-hospital, in the face of the great needs of the place, commented that the continuity of action of the missionaries is fundamental. With this in mind, the Missionary Youth for Peace, with the support of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, is willing to keep a regular rhythm of work in Brumadinho Mission.

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