Diary of the Chaco Mission Feb 5

Feb 05

In the morning, the group conducted new activities in the neighborhood of Mapic, in the city of Resistencia. The work with the children became more intense due to the precarious situation in which they were found, with parasites and in poor conditions of hygiene. They had their hair and bodies washed, and lice and other parasites removed. Due to problems of basic sanitation, many of them also had evidence of skin diseases. The group also provided emergency food for the children, because there was no food.


The Missionaries of Peace go to the streets to take care of sick and mangy dogs.


The group perceives the importance of continuing this work, because the necessity of the community is so great.


Members of the indigenous Community thank the work of the group by means of chants.


At the end of the activities in Mapic, the group paid a visit to the Community of Costa Iné for the farewell. The Chief thanks the Tree of Life, drawn on the wall of the Communitarian Center during the Mission, and says it symbolizes the Living Christ in the Community.
