Emergency Education: educators receive training for taking action with children refugees in Roraima


The teaching of emotionally shaken children is a task that requires a lot of dedication and humanity. Emergency Pedagogy has helped those who teach in several places in the world to counteract child trauma through immediate action.

In the five shelters that it administers in Roraima, Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) is especially concerned about the education of the Venezuelan children refugees, and among other teaching techniques (or methods), it uses Emergency Pedagogy.

The subject was thoroughly addressed at the 2nd Seminar – Children and Adolescents: The Common Good – Education in Times of Emergency, carried out in April of this year on the campus of the Federal University of Roraima in Boa Vista.

In one of the activities during the seminar, teachers had the opportunity of participating in four training workshops about Emergency Pedagogy.

The educator Anália Calmon, a volunteer of the FIHF, was one of those responsible for the meeting. Having many years of experience as a Waldorf teacher, she speaks about the importance of raising the sensitivity of the teachers that work with Emergency Pedagogy.