Humanitarian Colombia Mission, to be carried out by Fraternidade, has begun

Fraternidade –International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) has begun its 21st Humanitarian Mission: Humanitarian Colombia Mission, which takes place in the Colombian city of Cucuta, in the border with Venezuela.

Activity with children in Cúcuta

It has the objective of creating, little by little, a permanent space of humanitarian help to alleviate the suffering of the Venezuelans who leave their country, seeking better life conditions, and of the Colombians dislocated from their homes due to the threat of the guerilla.

A total of 15 missionaries began the activities on Thursday, October 11, 2018. In a first stage, the Mission will attend Venezuelan and Colombian children, supporting the humanitarian labor of a Catholic man of the Scalabrinian Congregation.

It will also articulate an operational structural to fulfill its objectives in the Colombian territory. With this in mind, it will begin contact with public organisms of Colombia and with organizations that are currently rendering humanitarian service in the zone.

Raising Awareness

Humanitarian Colombia Mission seeks to strengthen the cooperation of the Colombian people themselves, raising awareness about the importance of assuming humanitarian service of help to their fellow beings.

Roraima Mission: Indigenous shelter

It will take place in the city of Cucuta, a city of 650.000 inhabitants, located to the Northeast of Colombia, in front of the city of San Antonio, Venezuela, to which it is connected by the international bridge Simón Bolívar. This is the main entrance point of Venezuelans to the Colombian territory.

Humanitarian Colombia Mission is the second endeavor of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation that seeks to attend the Venezuelan migratory crisis.

The first initiative, Humanitarian Roraima Mission, has been active for two years in the Brazilian state of Roraima, on the border with Venezuela. In this period, it expanded to two cities: Boa Vista and Pacaraima, and made agreements with two divisions of the United Nations: the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and the UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund).


The first group is composed of matrix missionaries of Fraternidade, members of the Network-of-Light of Colombia, monastics of Grace Mercy Order and volunteers from several countries. Some of them left their impressions before leaving Brazil (where Fraternidade has its headquarters) to join the Colombian volunteers.

Missionaries in the airport of São Paulo

“The opportunity was presented to me of helping in a place where it is necessary and all conditions are manifesting for us to do it. I intend to contribute in everything possible. Trying to generate a positive impact and at the same time learning, because we help to a certain extent but we are specially helped, it is a both-way service”, said Esteban Troncoso, a Chilean volunteer, 23.

“It will be an opportunity to live LOVE, uppercase. Love for life. Love for all beings. Service for others. And with this experience, learning and growing, especially spiritually”, highlighted José Luis Fuentes, a collaborator of the Youth for Peace of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“It is the first time I participate in a Humanitarian Mission and to me it represents the possibility of collaborating with a little speck of sand”, said Emael, a Colombian volunteers, with several years of residence in Brazil. He is a collaborator of Association Mary and of the Community-of-Light of Figueira.

Humanitarian Colombia Mission needs the support of all

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