Humanitarian Roraima Mission – immigrants will work as health agents in the shelter

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September 7 thru 13, Thursday thru Wednesday

Thursday, 7 began with a group service of cleaning In the CRI – Center of Reference for the Immigrant, in the whole internal part of the gymnasium.

Formation of health agents

Immigrants helping in health assistance

The health assistance continue, now with the help of Indigenous immigrants, who began to receive training from the Roraima Federal University (UFRR) to work in the shelter as health agents.

A volunteer of the Evangelical Church who works in the task of artisanship (beads and sewing), picked some pieces of artisanship made by the immigrants to be exhibited in a festival about Venezuela. Three Indigenous people will participate in the event.

Donations of the Mormons

On Friday, 8, the missionaries picked at a local commerce the donation of food made by the Mormons for the refugees in the shelter.

In the House of Saint Joseph, the Mormons also delivered several donations for the shelter: material for sewing activity (cloths, threads, needles and scissors), educational material for the little school (white board, notebooks, pencils, plasticine and portfolios) and equipment for volleyball (net, balls and floor markers).

The Civil Defense assembled two tents in the CRI to serve as shade for the cars of the Military Police and of the Fire Brigade.

Works of artisanship with beads continued.

Baby newly-born in maternity of Boa Vista arrived at the shelter with the mother.

Distribution of hygiene products

On Saturday, 9, the distribution of hygiene products for everyone in the shelter was done.

A group of the Assemblies of God conducted recreational activities with the children and served snacks.

Two graduation students went to the shelter and talked with the immigrants to learn about the situation in Venezuela and their situation in Boa Vista.

Meaning of the beads

Collar formed by a sequence of triangles representing a rainbow

The missionary Claudia of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation – explained that each drawing made in the collars with the beads has a meaning a representation.

“When the Indigenous brother told us that each drawing made in the collars had a meaning, we began imagining how much wealth this people brings with them. They are knocking here on our door and it is an opportunity of our learning with them and also to help them rescue that which they forebears used to live”, said Claudia.

On Sunday, 10, the missionaries went to the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Roraima and watched the transmission of events of the Fraternidade. In the late afternoon, they conducted the meeting of the Mission in the House of Saint Joseph, in which the activities of the week were organized.

Fights between Indigenous and non-Indigenous immigrants

In the evening, the group received the information about an indigenous person who had got involved in a fight at a square near the shelter, and was wounded in the face and with a dislocated shoulder. He fought a non-Indigenous Venezuelan immigrant and the fight extended to other people inside the very shelter. The police intervened and made rounds afterwards.

“In the event that occurred at night we did not go to the shelter, everything was solved by the authorities, with our support from a distance”, explained Claudia.

Cleaning of the shelter

On Monday, 11, the CRI received a great cleaning with the help of a firefighting truck of the Fire Brigade, which threw water in all areas, including the ceiling.

Health services were conducted.

In the afternoon, there was a meeting with a representative of the Roraima Secretary of Work and Social Welfare (Setrabes). It was defined that two immigrants will participate in the task of making bread, with the help of part of the funds of the federal government used to buy wheat flour.

On Tuesday, 12, a missionary of the Fraternidade participated in a meeting with a delegate of the Internal Revenue Services, to see the possibility of the Fraternidade receiving foods that were seized in the border to be donated to the shelter, and also vehicles.s.


A little container was received in the shelter, which was rented by the Mormons for six months and which will be used as a storage for foods, donations, health equipment and artisanship material. The Mormons also donated two big tables with four benches for the artisanship activities.

A volunteer that accompanies the artisanship activities obtained through the Setrabes an artisanship stand in the Anauá Park for the Indigenous people to expose their products on Sundays.

In the evening, in the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Roraima, there was another meeting of the Roraima Mission and the watching of a broadcast of an event of the Fraternidade.

Meeting at the UFRR

On Wednesday, 13, there was a meeting with the Indigenous Chiefs, where the new rules of the shelter and health situations were informed.

There were health services conducted by members of the Special Health Indigenous Secretary (Sesai).

In the afternoon, a meeting at the Roraima Federal University (UFRR) between the Fraternidade and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) touched on the issues of feeding in the city of Pacaraima and the rules in the shelter of Boa Vista.

Another team of missionaries picked a new donation of foods made by the Mormons (cookies, cocoa powder and salt) at a commerce in Boa Vista.