Humanitarian Roraima Mission in Boa Vista – nourishing baths

November 13 to 19, Monday to Sunday

November 13, Monday

Missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, gave support to the health attendance conducted by the doctor of the Network-of-Light of Roraima.

The food was organized, which came from the office of the Fraternidade in Roraima to the CRI – Center of Reference for the Immigrant. Verifications, requests and lists of items were made, to supply the daily needs of the shelter.

Artisanship activities and delivery of materials that came from the Fair of Artisanship.

A missionary of the Fraternidade, together with a doctor of the Network-of-Light, pacified a Family conflict involving a married youth of 15 years-old.

November 14, Tuesday

Atividade educativa com lixo reciclável

Visits to tents and attendance to families with sick children. One child, who had malnutrition and pneumonia, was taken to hospital by members of the Network-of-Light, in the company of the mother.

Artisanship work with the Indigenous women was very intense, with the participation of several immigrants.

A representative of the Jesuit Migrant Service (JMS) brought members of the Educational Institute Faith and Joy, who conducted recreational works of canticles in Spanish.

Trash collecting with the children, for future work of recycling.

A representative of the International Organization for Migrations (IOM) gathered the artisan women and made the payment of the pieces of artisanship sold at the Fair.

November 15, Wednesday

A list was organized with the address of Venezuelan non-Indigenous immigrants for the future delivery of donations.

The nostrils of the children who had severe cold were cleaned.

Missionaries of the Fraternidade and collaborators of the Network-of-Light of the South and Northeast of Brazil, besides Roraima, conducted about six therapeutic baths for children.

“We evaluated the children and realized that there were many problems of skin, chickenpox, malnutrition, low weight and stature. We wrote down the names of the children to organize the nourishing baths, which are co-adjuvant procedures to the treatment of malnutrition”, said Vania Pettersen, a volunteer doctor of the Network-of-Light.

A child was referred to prompt service, where she was submitted to radio-X, urine and blood tests.

Work at the school of the shelter with children and youths from 10 to 16 years old.

Activities of artisanship with beads and macrame.

Recording of a small video with greetings to the artisan women of Pacaraima.

Assembly of a volleyball net in the external area of the shelter that allowed very enthusiastic games, with a lot of people.

Deep cleaning and organization of the foods container.

November 16, Thursday

Exhibition of artisanship at event

A Venezuelan Indigenous man was referred by missionaries of the Fraternidade to attend an audience to solve document issues of his family.

In the kitchen, some tomatoes in good state were recovered that the Indigenous people were throwing away as well as an amount of pasta from the day before.

Seropositive Venezuelan Immigrant was taken to take tests.

At night, an event was held, organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and IOM, with the presentation of the song “Somos Todos Hermanos” (we are all brothers and sisters), about Venezuelan immigration. The Fraternidade was invited to take Indigenous people to exhibit artisanship.

A volunteer conducted rehearsal of choir with children of the shelter.

November 17, Friday

Members of the Japanese Consulate in visit to the CRI

Representatives of the Japanese Consulate visited and learned the facilities of the CRI. Also the work of artisanship was shown.

Delivery of payment of the sales of artisanship articles occurred in the event of the day before.

A nun of the Grace Mercy Order conducted nail-trimming of the children, and the doctor and collaborators of the Network-of-Light offered treatment with nourishing baths.

November 18, Saturday

Nourishing bath

A list was made of children ages 2 to 12 for deworming.

Thirteen nourishing baths in children were conducted. The baths were prepared by members of the Network-of-Light and conducted by the mothers of the children.

Organization of the artisanship items (classified by person and with price) for exhibition at the fair, and delivery of materials for the activity.

Medical attendance conducted, especially for children.

Educational activity of oral hygiene with music.

Guitar classes for youths.

Artistic education class at the school of the shelter, with the topic “Solar System”.

Meeting of health in the afternoon and rehearsal of the choir of the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Roraima.

November 19, Sunday

Exhibition at Fair at the Anauá Park

Continuity of deworming of children in the shelter.

A child’s asthma was detected.

Children helped in the kitchen.

A Judge of the Sector of Children and Youths, accompanied by his secretary, visited the CRI.

A meeting of school education was held, as well as the general meeting of the Mission in the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Roraima.

Participation of the Indigenous people at the Fair of Artisanship at the Anauá Park, in Boa Vista.


The doctor Vania Pettersen is participating for the second time in the Roraima Mission and conducted attendance and nourishing baths. The first time, about a year ago, she found a very different situation from the current one:

“I observed a very great difference in the organization and in the conditions of lodging. In the first time, they lived in the streets, sleeping on the floor, and stayed with the children in the streets under the hot sun. But not this time, when they are lodged in the shelter with hammocks and tents. There are two points of water where the women gather to wash clothes and the children play and take showers.