Sphere Handbook Food Security: Bringing dignity and reliance to the Victims of Humanitarian Crises

When they worked as a volunteer in the Greece Mission, a missionary of Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) watched in disbelief as refugee mothers offered their babies the same food that was for the adults. It was a typical North African dish, consumed by adults in their country of origin: lentils cooked with a strong seasoning and strong spices. The scene took place in a cafeteria run by humanitarian organizations in Athens. Greece has become Europe’s gateway for those coming from Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and welcomed immigrants and refugees of various nationalities, mainly Syrians and Turks.

Manual Esfera: Segurança Alimentar

It is because of stories like this, which are repeated all over the world, that the Sphere Handbook emphasizes the importance of the issue of Food and Nutritional Security. The theme is like a piece of a great puzzle represented by the humanitarian aid to populations and communities at risk. Like the other pieces, this is vital. Without it, the picture is not complete. By itself, it means nothing. For this reason, food and nutrition fit perfectly with the other technical themes, joining the theme of Water and Hygiene (which we saw in the report on WASH actions) and also with the themes of Lodging and Camping, and Health, the subjects of our next reports.

In order to achieve good results, responses to the food and nutrition problems need to be coordinated with the WASH, shelter, and health actions. For example, it is necessary to have water in sufficient quantity and quality to prepare nutritious food and adopt safe eating practices. Access to sanitary and hygienic facilities reduces the risk of outbreaks of diseases, as well as adequate accommodation allowing the use of kitchen facilities and offering protection from extreme weather conditions, decreasing the risk of illnesses. When there is access to good health care, the nutritional situation is likely to be better.

The refugee mother in Greece was not offering the adult’s food to the baby because she lacked options. She was simply reproducing a common practice in her community of origin, where despair because of hunger causes people to consume the food that is available, whatever it may be, either for children or for adults. Through a lack of guidance and education, the mother could not comprehend how harmful such spicy food would be to a still developing organism.

It is bad nutrition that precisely leads to lack of nutrition, one of the serious worldwide problems frequently found in humanitarian shelters. Bad nutrition is like the tip of an iceberg. The true reality of the problem is submerged, and most of the time, we don’t see or perceive it; the ingestion of inadequate food, the uncertainty of enough food in the home and insecurity in the family environs, illnesses and lack of attention to health.

The Sphere Handbook has seven rules that guide the food security work of the organizations in humanitarian aid (see chart). In addition, the handbook established metrics so that the helpers involved can assess – from internationally accepted data and parameters – the severity of the issues related to nutrition. One of these is the CMB evaluation tape. The tool is used to determine the average circumference of the upper arm of babies and children, and from these numbers, establish whether it is a case of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) – which can be treated, provided it includes hospital care; Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) – which can be controlled with food supplementing; or Global Malnutrition (GM) – the care of which includes distributing food or the money to purchase it.

The Challenge in Practice

The last of the seven rules, but not the least, is about Means of Subsistence. It is a set of measures that aims to give people in the shelters access to ways of obtaining income and employment. In this way, through their own resources, they are able to acquire the products that are going to sustain their food supply. But even so, these people – as in the case of the refugee mothers in Greece – need guidance. In the Roraima Mission, missionaries experienced attitudes that illustrate this concern.

The missionary Anderson says that after a long work, some of the Venezuelan refugees given shelter through the Roraima Mission began to have an income and purchased part of the food that they consumed. And it was astonishing that they found many families spent much of the money on items that did not generate food security. There was, for example, a high consumption of soft drinks. Instead of offering healthy foods that guaranteed minimum calories, the parents gave their children Coca-Cola. “They had no information about the damage that high sugar consumption could cause in children’s development,” says Anderson. “We had to put the health and education sectors into action to not only bring this information to them, but also to develop campaigns and activities to positively change the behavior of these families,” says the missionary.

The Sphere Handbook teaches that the right of citizens to not go hungry and to have adequate food is safeguarded by international laws. It is up to the State to guarantee access to adequate food for everyone, including groups of refugees. Likewise, withholding the access of food to deprive the civilian population, as a method of war, is prohibited by the Geneva Conventions. It is also prohibited to attack or destroy crops, livestock, irrigation works, drinking water facilities and reserves, food items and agricultural areas. In the event of an occupation, international humanitarian law obliges the occupying power to guarantee adequate food to the population.

Food Security for groups at risk, besides guaranteeing people’s survival, serves to maintain their dignity and prevents the goods collected by individuals and families from being lost in a crisis situation or from being completely consumed. By preventing the loss of assets and guaranteeing dignity, humanitarian actions generate resilience in people. Generating resilience means helping the individual to rebuild their ability to deal with problems, overcome obstacles, and resist pressure in adverse situations.

The 7 rules of Food and Nutritional Security

1. Food and Nutritional Security Assessments.

2. Treatment of the Malnutrition

3. Deficiency of micronutrients

4. Feeding of infants and small children

5. Food Security

6. Food Assistance

7. Means of Subsistence