The Fraternity – Missions (FMHI) receives authorization for freedom of movement and implementation of projects in Colombia

The Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions (FMHI), an affiliate of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FFHI), and other groups that are part of the Interagency Group on Mixed Migratory Flows (GIFMM), received authorization for implementing humanitarian assistance programs in response to the Covid-19, and protection of the population at greater risk within the Colombian State.

The Presidential Decree 039, emitted on January 14, 2021, and the Departmental Decree 048, in the Second and Third Articles, guarantee the freedom of movement of the humanitarian agents that provide essential rescue services in coordination with agencies of the Colombian State.

According to Priscila Vasquez, volunteer missionary, at this moment, the Fraternity Missions (FMHI) is only participating in  meetings to update and evaluate possible help scenarios for when it is possible for the organization to return to fieldwork in Colombia.

Missão Colombia
Photo taken in the period before the pandemic

Humanitarian Colombia Mission

The Humanitarian Colombia Mission became a permanent mission as of 2018, in response to the worsening of the humanitarian crisis experienced by Venezuelan immigrants that reached the country, and the inner displacement of the Colombians themselves caused by guerrillas and other situations of vulnerability.

“In accordance with the protocols determined by the World Health Organization (WHO), the places of attention where the activities of the Humanitarian Colombia Mission were carried out – the SuperCade Social of the Terminal de Transportes El Salitre and the Secretariat of the Government of Bogota -, were closed indefinitely due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” explains Anderson Santiago, a volunteer missionary.

Developed Activities

The principal activities are developed mainly with children, adolescents and young people, using the tools of education in emergency to develop an environment of protection and the strengthening of resilience in those faced with a humanitarian crisis. Short-term activities are also carried out with displaced families.

The focus of the work is in Art-Education activities with a strong emphasis on playing and the relationship with oneself and others, and in protection themes relevant to the context – such as Self-care, Hygiene, Combating Violence, and strengthening a Culture of Peace.

Find out more about the Humanitarian Colombia Mission here!

Missão Colombia
Photo taken in the period before the pandemic