Training for Missionary Activities

The Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) volunteers have been carrying out humanitarian missions and responding to emergency situations since 2011. They work in natural and environmental disasters and assist refugees and migrants inside and outside Brazil.

Several trainings and qualifications are needed for the humanitarian actions of the Fraternidade International (FIHF) to be actualized. Thus, volunteers are prepared to deal with the most diverse situations assertively and effectively, both in practical and logistical aspects, as well as in the human and fraternal side, emphasizing the harmony in teamwork as a fundamental characteristic.

To this end, the Fraternidade International (FIHF) provides many of these trainings, some only for missionaries and others for the general public.

  • In the case of the missionaries, the Missionary Academy aims to convey the principles and values of the institution and those who participate in it. Its main procedures are the code of conduct, emergency response, the management and coordination of temporary shelters for migrants, refugees, the homeless, as well as trauma psychology and emergency pedagogy. In the case of trauma psychology, a discussion roundtable is held at the end of each particular mission, where the concepts of welcoming and active listening, as well as the concepts of missionary life and its ethics are given.
  • The  Missionary Events are held with an aim for people to participate in a journey of service by practicing group life.
  • As for the Missionary Experiences, they take place over several days, with a greater degree of readiness and demand, participation with various institutions of humanitarian assistance and aid to the kingdoms of nature.
  • The Missionary Youth offers young people a journey of working together in service  to initiate awareness in young people about the importance of perceiving the needs around them, thus planting the seed of selfless work. These are encounters where their own energy is the driving impulse.

The trainings are conducted by the most experienced missionaries and in partnership with organizations in the different specialties.

“The instruction for the youths and adults is the same, and each one regulates their on capacity according to their gifts, experience and disposition,” clarifies Mariandja, Missionary of the Fraternidade International (FIHF).

Courses held in 2019

Pre-hospital Care (PHC) – lasting 40 hours, held both in the Light-Community of Fraternity, in Aurora and in Light-Community of Figueira.

Formation of the 1st Scene Evaluation Module – a basic formation for acting in humanitarian missions – in the Light-Community of Figueira;

Fire Brigade Course, intermediate level, in the Light-Community of Figueira.

All of these courses were conducted by Emergency Formation for missionaries, consecrated or not, for members of the Light-Communities, and for the monks of the Grace Mercy Order.

Some of the training for the missionaries has been held at United Nations agencies such as UNHCRIOMUNFPA and Municipal, State and Federal Organizations.

Next steps!

Training is being organized for the Light-Network groups across South America, which will be based on all of the above themes.

Learn how to participate in missionary activities and be part of this network of love in action!