The Network-of-Light group Chaco, with the collaboration of the Network-of-Light Northern Argentina, has organized the 5th Permanent Meeting of the Chaco Mission, in support to the Indigenous Consciousness. The service of humanitarian help took place in the communities of the ethnic group Qom of Puerto Tirol and Costa Ine, in the province of Chaco, Argentina. It lasted from the 8th to the 10th of December of 2016.
Thirty-two volunteers participated, including collaborators of the Network-of-Light of Argentina (groups from the provinces of Córdoba, Corrientes, Formosa, Misiones and Tucumán), residents of the Community-of-Light of the Brotherhood (in Cordoba, Argentina) and monastics of the Grace Mercy Order.
The opening of the meeting took place in the House of retreat “Sacred Family of Burdeos”, place of lodging of the participants, in the city of Resistencia, the capital of the province of Chaco. After a spiritual attunement, the planning of the activities was done and then the volunteers dedicated themselves to organizing the donations – clothes and other items – received from different provinces of Argentina.
On the following day, they visited the Qom community of Puerto Tirol (20 km from Resistencia) and on the third day, the Qom community of Costa Ine (40 km from Resistencia). In both communities, they conducted haircut, lice-removal and head-washing, as well as different games with the children: ball, rope, drawings and chants. They also served the Animal Kingdom, managing to worm and feed 104 dogs in both communities.
In the community of Tirol, a group of volunteers paid home visits to manage a closer contact with the families and their conditions of life, being very warmly received in all cases. Some volunteers bathed the babies together with their mothers, with much tenderness and love. Lunch was shared, followed by a farewell with chants in Qom dialect. “Chief Don Hilário blessed the table and we shared the food as a big family. The songs were offered by a brother of the community whom we joined to sing with great joy”, commented Patrícia Sánchez, coordinator of the permanent missions of Chaco.
In the community of Costa Ine, the participants in the mission served in the vegetable garden, by weeding and sowing. “It was a team work along with our Qom brothers and sisters, which was carried out with much harmony and peace”, said Patrícia.
A Marian Request
These permanent missions of humanitarian help in Indigenous communities of Northeastern Argentina began on the weekend of 21 and 22 of May of 2016. After that, other missions occurred in July and October of the same year, which are an extension of the Chaco Mission.
The mission was a request of the Virgin Mary, and was organized by the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, according to a message of the Virgin of December 20, 2015, transmitted to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, a visionary monk of the Grace Mercy Order. This message requested that the mission be fulfilled by collaborators of the Planetary Network-of-Light and by monastics of the Grace Mercy Order, which ended up happening from January 26 thru February 8, 2016. It took place in parallel to the Middle-East Mission.
The Chaco Mission is part of the Mission to the Indigenous People Campaign, of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation.