Saturday, Feb 11
One of the groups managed to conclude the building of ten stalls, for the animals in the Hostel of Rancagua. They reckoned the use of more than one thousand nails.
Covers of several stalls were made again.
A little doghouse was built and 15 baths were completed in 15 dogs of different sizes.
They managed to take a car out of the mud and a tractor removed debris from the whole area.
The kitchen was reorganized. A basis for the stove and a support for plates were installed. Utensils, cleaning products and food were placed in order.
Several youths participated in the organization and in the cleaning of a great space around the kitchen, expressing the harmony they were feeling.
These youths have been talking with monastics, missionaries and members of the mission, trying to understand this something else, that makes sense. “Their heart is wide open, we feel the soul in each one’s look”, said Sister Martzthá, a nun of the Grace Mercy Order.
Attunement with the participation of 35 people took place, and they prayed the Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature. “The youths were quite interested, in the end they presented, with much fervor, a Chilean song. Two hired workers also participated in the attunement, singing and playing the guitar. It was a very beautiful integration, with joy present the whole time”, concluded Sister Martzthá.
Follow the situation of the fires on the page of the CONAF (Chilean National Forest Corporation) at