Thursday, the 10th of November
In the morning, the whole group of Missionaries participated in a meeting to evaluate and reflect about the mission. “This mission has a different characteristic from the others. We perceive that these brothers and sisters we have been dealing with are so pure, specially the children, that they do not even realize the situation. They are very receptive and the children interact with us with much purity”, said Rosi Freitas, a missionary of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation.
Collecting of donations and a drop by the seminar about immigration, promoted by the Pastoral of the Catholic Church. The participation in the seminar made possible to the group to better know the situation of the refugees from Venezuela and to understand how to be an intermediary to render the necessary assistance.
Moving to the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Boa Vista, which is being implemented in the city.
In the afternoon, the Missionaries conducted a work of assistance to the refugees in different places of the city.