Monday, 29 thru Sunday, 04
Caritas Hellas
During the week, the missionaries gave support to the distribution of clothes for the refugees of the masculine sex, at the Caritas Hellas institution, in Athens. They also gave help in the refectory of the organization.
Missionaries of Charity
The week was very intense with the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The group was in House 1 four times, to help the selection and distribution of great quantity of clothes. The missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation – also accompanied the Sisters of Charity in the visit to a prison located in the neighborhood of Amigdaleza, in Athens. “We met several immigrants who are imprisoned and whom we had already met other times, and we could have this contact with them and bring some encouragement, hope, a word of care and of comfort”, said Shen, a missionary of the Fraternidade.
Participation in the preparation and distribution of lunch and support in the collection of vegetables and fruits at a market in the city.
On the last day of May, late afternoon, the group participated in a celebration of consecration to Our Lady, at the church of Saint Joseph, with the Missionaries of Charity. The celebration began with an adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the prayer of the rosary and mass. After a little procession, a prayer of offering and consecration was said.
Orthodox Church
At the Orthodox church of Anavissos, the activity consisted in the organization of a clothes storage and in the support to the distribution of a great quantity of oranges.
Missionary base
Sunday, 4, was reserved for activities in the base of the missionaries in Greece. A deep cleaning was made in the house, as well as tasks in the garden and in the vegetable garde.
The missionaries also conducted an attunement in Cape Sounio, close to the misisonary base, as a preparation for the 47 Marathon of the Divine Mercy, which would took place on June 5 and 6, in Italy.
The group received another collaborator from the Fraternidade, who comes from Spain, who will stay for two weeks, participating in the activities.