The missionary group of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation – continues to support religious institutions in the preparation and distribution of food to refugees, detainees and indigents. The task is fulfilled in two houses of the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta in Athens, in the headquarters of Caritas Hellas and in an Orthodox church in Anavissos.
“We prepare the food in silence, in prayer, seeking to fill it with the energies of love and brotherhood,” says Imer, a missionary of the Greece Mission.
Missionaries prepared food for about 800 people
One of the tasks of last week was to prepare the food to take to a camp of detainees called Amigdaleza camp, in the city of Menidi, metropolitan area of Athens. The Missionaries of the Fraternity, together with volunteers from the Philippines, Korea and African countries prepared dishes for four hundred of the detained immigrants. “We returned to the camp with the Sisters of Charity. This time we had to wait about forty-five minutes. We kept praying until we could get in and interact with them a little. We perceived that the number of detainees has increased, which means that immigration continues”, reports Imer.
The next day the missionaries helped to prepare food for the lunch of four hundred more people, including Greek refugees and indigents at Caritas Hellas. “When we see the effort that the brothers and sisters make to get here and receive food, we give more value to what is received, to have food every day on the table, several times a day, without having to go anywhere to get It,” reflects Imer.
The spiritualist philosopher José Trigueirinho, co-founder of the Fraternity, clarifies in his work “Glossário Esotérico” (“Esoteric Glossary”, Editora Pensamento) that “physical food is not restricted to its material particles; If it is prepared with an offering spirit, it becomes a vehicle for harmonization and healing of those who ingest it”. And he continues: “it is the immaterial energy, present in all things, which in truth nourishes and sustains for, as Crist said, “Man shall not live by bread alone “
Support for the children
In the House Athens II, of the Misionaries of Charity, the missionaries develop an important work with the children sheltered in the area.
They attend the children of a drug-user mother who lives on the streets while they are with their grandmother in this House. Other children are daughters of an African woman who seeks asylum. There are several newborns. One of them is hospitalized, the son of a refugee mother who crossed the Mediterranean pregnant on a boat, under a lot of tension, and the baby was born premature. The missionaries attend the children and help in what is necessary, supporting in the kitchen and the maintenance of the place.