Immigrant and refugee young people receive support in becoming part of the job market insertion program

In September of this year, the Fraternity – InternationalHumanitarian Federation (FIHF) renewed some activities with the Company School Integration Centre (CIEE), with the objective of contributing to access and integration for young indigenous Venezuelan immigrants and refugees in the job market, reinforcing the practice of citizenship.

CIEE is a civil association of private law, non-profit and non-financial, recognized as a social assistance entity that, through various programs, including apprenticeships and internships for students, provides adolescents and young people with comprehensive training to enter the world of work.

According to the humanitarian aid volunteer, Elaine Ribeiro, who works at the Indigenous Cultural and Training Centre (CCFI), coordinated by the Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF), eight young people have enrolled in the CIEE’s Young Apprentice Program.

The humanitarian aid volunteer also highlights the fact that the target audience of this activity is young people between 14 and 24 who are studying or have finished their studies in Brazil. “Once the young person gains the position, they begin to train in the area where they will work or also have the possibility of taking courses through a digital platform”, she comments.

Developing skills

The CIEE’s Young Apprentice Program is preferably aimed at socially vulnerable people, both in the in-person modality as well as through distance learning. Through the insertion of adolescents and young people into the world of work, there is a contribution to their personal and professional development, strengthening their practice of citizenship, their employability and participation, so they can become transformative agents of their reality.