As from January of 2022, the Fraternity –International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) stops coordinating the five indigenous shelters in the State of Roraima, Brazil, which was in partnership with the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR), but continues to manage the IndigenousCultural and Training Center (ICTC) with Operation Welcome. The Roraima Humanitarian Mission will continue serving those most in need.
Inaugurated in May of 2021, the IndigenousCultural and Training Center (ICTC), envisioned by the Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF), in partnership with Operation Welcome and UNHCR, has the purpose of offering free professional courses and training workshops to the immigrant and refugee indigenous population, thus providing the conditions for them to achieve socioeconomic autonomy.
It has also been envisaged that activities carried out in the ICTC can be open to local indigenous communities who may be interested in taking advantage of the services offered.
Together We are Stronger
The Roraima Humanitarian Mission will continue with services of support for those most in need, holding always to the basic principle of alleviating pain and rescuing human dignity.
In 2022, the Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF) will continue to engage in building durable solutions in a collaborative way with the various institutions that also work so that refugees and immigrants are able to catch a glimpse on the horizon the hope of rebuilding their lives.
The importance of the participation of the UNHCR in the response to the Venezuelan crisis in Brazil
The entry of the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Brazilian humanitarian response to the Venezuelan crisis in 2017 brought a series of benefits; besides adding the know-how of an institution that works with refugee people all over the world, it also brought contributions to the budget from international donors so that the conditions of the response could be improved.
Since then, various actions were carried out by the Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF) with the support of the UNHCR: themanagement of five shelters for refugee and immigrant people in theState of Roraima, the creation of the Indigenous Cultural and TrainingCenter (ICTC), the publication of information material (such as bookletsand reports), the coordination of the Transit Shelter of Manaus (TSM), and various actions that made it possible to design strategies focused on durable solutions, so that refugees and immigrants could be able to restart their lives in Brazil in a dignified manner.
To find out more, access: RoraimaHumanitarian Mission
The Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF) thanks the UNHCR for the commitment taken on throughout the four years of actions done as partners in the humanitarian response to the Venezuelan crisis, which brought hope and the possibility of a new beginning for thousands of families that lost everything they had on leaving their country of origin.