Date: since 2019
Place: Luanda, Angola
The Angola Humanitarian Mission began in 2019, developing activities at the Charity Work of the Saint Isabel’s Child (OCSI) in the areas of emergency education – including work with music, activities close to nature and training seminars -, dental care, psychological support clinic, therapeutic practices, maintenance of physical spaces and food reuse workshops, linking health and food.
In 2020, activities were expanded, with initiatives supported by the Jean Piaget University of Angola and the Camunga Symphony Orchestra.
In April 2020, the projects were stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The organization’s team continued on a remote basis, with training activities with teenagers and young people from OCSI, developing topics such as: human relations, non-violent communication, empathy and artistic expressions.
In 2022, the resumption of activities began. In July and August, the team returned to Angola to contextualize the current scenario and post-pandemic challenges being experienced by partner organizations, such as OCSI, Jean Piaget University, Cáritas of Angola and the National Institute for Health Research (INIS). On this occasion, educational and food safety activities were carried out.
Between November and December of the same year, a team of humanitarian workers was in the country resuming projects in four Intervention Sectors: Education in Emergencies and Humanitarian Responses, Humanitarian Training.
For 2023, the perspective is to continue the work, including a new sector of intervention – Means of Life and Durable Solutions -, deepening the implementation and reaching other provinces of the country.
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Get to know some of the milestones in the Angola Humanitarian Mission
During the humanitarian mission that began in 2019, through altruistic service for the common good, humanitarian members strengthened ties with the Santa Isabel Children’s Charity Work (OCSI), but, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the face-to-face activities had to be suspended during the period from April 2020 to 2022.
The team from Fraternity - Humanitarian Missions (FIHM) continued the training activities remotely, especially with teenagers and young people from OCSI. Topics such as human relations, non-violent communication, empathy and artistic expression were the keynote of the meetings held between July and December of that year, focusing on the promotion of mental health and healthy relationships.
Retomou a Missão Angola nos meses de julho e agosto de 2022, realizando diagnóstico situacional e retomando o diálogo com instituições parceiras, tendo em vista as consequências da pandemia no contexto angolano.
Depois do recesso imposto pela pandemia da Covid-19, a Fraternidade – Missões Humanitárias (FMHI) retomou a Missão Angola nos meses de julho e agosto de 2022. Entre as atividades desenvolvidas estão: formação sobre higiene pessoal, produção de artefatos e brinquedos com material reciclável, restauração e o melhoramento dos espaços da instituição que atua com crianças e jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade social.
Além do aprofundamento da tarefa realizada nos meses de julho e agosto, muitos contatos institucionais com diversas organizações locais foram iniciados ou ampliados. Também foram desenvolvidas oficinas de farinha multimistura e apresentação de produtos desidratados; capacitações humanitárias no âmbito da educação orientada à superação do trauma e atividades com pessoas com deficiência.
The Humanitarian Missions carried out are of a voluntary nature, humanitarian and neutral, and you can collaborate in many ways:
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Attention: some photos from this site are photo collections taken in the period before the Covid-19 pandemic
© Copyright Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions (FMHI)