CCFI resumes the Continuing Education for Development Program

During the week of February 13th to 17th, enrollment began for the first semester of the Continuing Training Program for Development (PFCD) at the Indigenous Cultural and Training Centre (CCFI).

Promoted by Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), the PFCD is aimed at the Venezuelan indigenous migrant population and local ethnic groups present in the state of Roraima and promotes socioeconomic insertion through a series of specialized training courses.

The first phase will start with two introductory courses, designed to help individuals reflect on their vocational orientation and relationship with their surroundings and community.

After this initial stage, the IT and Portuguese courses will follow, which will be complemented by specific training according to the profile of each student: Manicure and Pedicure, Construction Assistant, Haircut, Bakery, Entrepreneurship, Basic Sewing and Confectionery.

About 80 people, including migrant and local indigenous people, are enrolled for the full program, in addition to 37 who have enrolled for individual courses, which include adult literacy, introductory IT, basic-level Portuguese, among others.

In order to cover a wider range of training areas for this first semester of courses, the Continuing Training Program for Development relies on the collaboration of the Macunaíma Educational Center, World Vision and SENAC.