Continuing Education Program for Development

Indigenous immigrant young people and adults, and indigenous people from local tribes who live in the State of Roraima participated in the Continuing Education Program for Development offered by the Indigenous Cultural and Training Center (ICTC), coordinated by the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF).

The duration of the Program is four and six months, and its objective is to foster the socioeconomic independence of indigenous people in the city of Boa Vista-RR through continuing education which includes social, economic and cultural dimensions.

According to the humanitarian aid volunteer Imer, the coordinator of the ICTC, it could be said that one of the most important results achieved is the graduation of 20 indigenous people who were the first class, and after that class, others will come successively.

Made up of three phases, the Program developed various practical activities according to each phase and the skills shown by the participants.

Continuing Education Program for Development

Among those activities are: placement in the job market through a curriculum, obtaining a work card, opening a digital or physical bank account, work preparation workshops, information about labor laws, how to proceed in a job interview: good practices, following and monitoring of performance, support for participation in fairs and events to generate income, marketing techniques and logo structuring, customer service, sales promotion for entrepreneurs, skills and crafts development workshops.

The Continuing Education Program for Development counted on the partnership of Operation Welcome and the support of World Vision, Pan-American Development Foundation (PADF), the Federal Institute of Roraima (IFRR), the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), Passarela Alternativa, CAP, Inspire Rebecca, Senac and Senai.