Saturday, November 5
The Missionaries received a great amount of donations during the day. Food such as fruits and greens, among other items, were collected.
Many people from the city of Boa Vista collaborated with donations.
“We were surprised, for all the time we requested something, we obtained the help in a quick way and without any impediment”, said Imer, a missionary of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation.
A great donation of cloth was also received, which are being transformed into sheets by the missionaries. They will be used to help shelter many refugees that are sleeping on the ground in the streets.
A great part of the refugees is of indigenous origin.
“We are having contact with a problem that already existed in Venezuela, but now with the crisis in the country they are migrating in small groups to Brazil in order to survive”, said Elba, a Venezuelan collaborator of the Mission.
Activities with the children and health assistance were conducted.
The Missionaries met other groups of Venezuelan and prepared food for distribution at night in various places of the city.
“To see our helpless brothers and sisters here, in the conditions in which we are meeting them, brings us a very strong feeling, but we also see a lot of solidarity from the Brazilian and Latin American people in general, and the spiritual support that we receive, said Inácia, a collaborator of the Mission.