Thursday, November 4
The missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, and collaborators of the Network-of-Light made contact today, for the first time, with refugees from Venezuela in Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. There was interaction on the streets and also at a fair where a great part of the immigrants, both white and indigenous, spend the night. At the fair, the missionaries offered dinner to the immigrants. The meal was prepared with the first donations of food, received from the local traders.
The group received many requests of food, medicine and dental assistance. They conducted medical and ambulatory assistance and distributed medicines. They also conducted the hospitalization of an indigenous minor, with a severe state of malnutrition, to the House of Indigenous Health.
They detected many cases of skin diseases, attributed to the lack of hygiene and to the intense sun of the region.
They also began recreational activities with the children and gave continuity to the tasks of harmonization of the Nucleus-of-Light of Boa Vista.