The second group of volunteers is already in Cucuta, Colombia, replacing part of the missionary team that is carrying forward the Humanitarian Colombia Mission. In these moments, the tasks are under the responsibility of 17 people, including missionaries of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), collaborators of the Planetary Network-of-Light, representatives of the Missionary Youth for Peace, and monastics of Grace Mercy Order.
The support of the Humanitarian Colombia Mission has extended now to the Migration Center, a shelter of transiting people administered by the Scalabrinian Congregation in Cucuta. In this place, the Mission began to impart qualification in artisanship to the Venezuelan migrants, with the objective of facilitating to them an option of income and of restoring, in part, their affected self-esteem.
Also, a survey prepared by the Scalabrinian, together with the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and some Colombian universities, was applied, to measure the degree of discrimination that the Venezuelan migrants suffer from the Colombian population. The mission had already collaborated when it had been applied in two communitarian refectories served by the Scalabrinian Congregation.
The Center of Migration offers short-term lodging, food and specialized advising, both to migrants and to the Colombian displaced people, as well as to refugees, deported and Indigenous who come to get documents in the town.
Colombia Mission and the walkers
The humanitarian missionaries also keep helping in the Scalabrinian Pilot Center, both in the alternate educational activities offered to the migrant and displaced kids and in the artisanship workshops given to adults. The intention of the Colombian institution is to work with topics more connected with the upcoming Christmas celebrations.
The group also keeps gathering with United Nations agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations for planning, to prepare the working front that will they will carry out for the Venezuelan walkers. The objective is to establish a fixed point of attention on the road Cucuta- Bogota, to be under the responsibility of the Humanitarian Colombia Mission, to offer basic assistance to the suffering migrants.
The Humanitarian Colombia Mission is an opportunity to manifest the solidary spirit that each one holds in their heart. The support of everyone is fundamental to relieve the pain of those who suffer today the rigors of an unprecedented migratory crisis in South-America. Do not be indifferent. Join this campaign of love.