Missionaries of Paraguay Mission leave

In the dawn of Monday, June 20, the group of missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, departs to develop the Paraguay Mission ‘Awakening Seeds’ in behalf of the Indigenous Consciousness of this country.

The group is composed by sixteen volunteers coming from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Four members of the Network-of-Light of Paraguay will join them in Ciudad del Este. The 20 participants are residents and collaborators from the Communities-of-Light of Figueira, Fraternity and Brotherhood, monks and nuns from the Grace Mercy Order and members of the Network-of-Light of Paraguay.


The International Humanitarian Mission will last for fourteen days and will be fulfilled in three indigenous communities Mbya and Ava Guarani from Ciudad del Este and Presidente Franco, both cities located in the department of Alto Paraná, east of Paraguay.


The missionary group ended this Sunday, 19, a week of integration and preparation, fulfilling tasks in the houses of Saint Joseph and Mary, Rose of Peace, in Carmo da Cachoeira. They rendered service in the House of Elderly People São Vicente de Paula, in the hut of Saint Joseph, in the house recently ceded by the City Hall for transitory housing of homeless people. They also paid home visits and distributed fruits and greeneries to poor homes for free. They received training in the making of solar kitchens and in dehydration of food. All the activities were permeated by intense sessions of prayer.