International Migrants Day 2022

Human mobility, over the centuries, propels history, promotes transformations and expresses the profound capacity of individuals to overcome adversity in the search for better living conditions.

It is estimated that currently more than 281 million people are displaced from their homelands. Today, December 18, stipulated by the UN as the International Migrants Day, we seek to broaden the debate on the socioeconomic inclusion of these people and the benefits that migration brings not only to people on the move, but also to the host societies.

Dia Internacional dos Migrantes

“Having a specific date for migration reminds us that, in addition to being a day of celebration, this should be a day of reflection, given that millions of people migrate not only by choice or personal motivations, but for survival in search of living conditions with dignity, fleeing from armed conflicts, political and social crises and climate changes”, emphasizes the coordinator of the Poland Humanitarian Mission, Rafael Corbetta.

Faced with the global challenges that drastically affect human mobility, it is imperative that international cooperation, governments, companies, educational institutions and civil society develop actions to welcome and integrate  migrants into the social, economic and cultural development of the communities that welcome them.

Humanitarian response in the context of forced migration

Poland Humanitarian Mission

The conflict in Ukraine forced the displacement of more than 11 million people towards the countries of the European Union, with Poland being the main country of destination.

The Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions (FIHM) sent a group of volunteer workers to that country with the aim of providing assistance to people affected by the war, especially children, young people and the elderly, thus creating the Poland Humanitarian Mission.

Apresentação da Missão Polônia
Início da Missão Polônia em novembro de 2022

Roraima Humanitarian Mission

For Beatriz Osorio, the humanitarian worker of the Fraternity – Internacional Humanitarian Federation (FIHF),  “the experience of the Roraima Mission shows the positive impacts for the host community of Boa Vista, in the specific case of indigenous migrations. It is a very great cultural richness in the relationship between Brazilian, Venezuelan and Guyanese indigenous ethnic groups, in addition to the advantages in terms of economic movement, with the commercialization of different types of handicrafts, the creation of new enterprises and the entry of qualified people into the labor market. ”, she affirms.

Beatriz Osório adds: “it is essential to integrate efforts so that actions take place in an articulated and organized way, taking advantage of all the different potentials, knowledge and experiences”.

This reality is expressed in the various activities carried out by the Cultural and Indigenous Training Center (CCFI), a project created by the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) with the support of the Welcoming Operation. The CCFI offers, free of charge, professional courses and training workshops to the indigenous population from Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil, providing conditions for them to achieve socioeconomic autonomy.

“In addition to moving the local economy as new consumers and taxpayers, since a good part of this migrant population is in an economically active age group, they can work and generate income. The host country also benefits from new professional talents and the exchange of knowledge, whether social, artistic, gastronomic, among many others, that enrich and strengthen human values”, points out Elaine Ribeiro, a humanitarian worker who works at the Roraima Mission.

This humanitarian worker reinforces: “Celebrating the International Migrants Day makes more people aware that the world is no longer the same and that the global refugee and migration crisis is much more frequent, making everyone’s collaboration even more important to reduce the suffering of people who are in vulnerable conditions”, concludes Elaine.

This date is also a warning to abolish any and all forms of discrimination, and an appeal for recognition that individuals, families and communities that migrate are subjects of rights and also of desires and dreams.

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