Education Program in Emergency and Humanitarian Response Situations

The Education Program of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Missions(FIHM) consists of a synthesis of the experiences and skills of the team of humanitarian aid volunteers of the organization’s intervention sector of Education in Emergency and Humanitarian Response Situations. The Program is conveyed through three lines of action, thematic axes and objectives that shape the purpose of activities in humanitarian responses in the field of education.

In charge of this task are 28 humanitarian aid volunteers who make up the sector, also receiving the occasional help of other humanitarian workers who are active in specific humanitarian cycles and missions. This sector is organized by work group (WGs), with their respective managers, accompanied by the general director of the sector.

With children, adolescents, young people and adults as its target group, the Program is made possible because of intervention projects during humanitarian missions, especially during the last five years. Because of the great intent of being based on community in the work of Education in Emergencies, the whole group becomes the target of the Program.

In this way, an encompassing vision is sought, based on the experiences of the Missionsof RoraimaColombiaEgyptLebanonAngola, GreeceTurkeyBahíaSertãothe ChacoParaguay, and Carmo da Cachoeira.

According to Anderson Santiago, the director of this sector, “the program intends to be the implementation archetype of projects from any mission where the organization becomes active. In this way,” he explains, “the hope is to generate more cohesion, further development and responsibility in the initiatives of the projects of the intervention sector of Education in Emergencyand Humanitarian Response Situations.

The Fraternity – Humanitarian Missions (FIHM) works based on the premises of the setting. For this reason, irrespective of where the program is implemented as a project, the liaising and joint development in the various spheres of activity (local, regional, national, governmental or private, etc.), as well as with the affected communities, is an essential part of its development. The definition of support and partnerships comes through the specific context of each Mission, which determines which aspect or aspects of the Program will be put into practice.

As the next steps of this development, the sector on Education in Emergency and Humanitarian Response Situations, throughout 2022, is carrying out cycles of training together with the members of the team, so as to continue to further develop the contents addressed by the Program and empowering humanitarian actions in the field of education.

Education Program
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